Here I Am Finally
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
"Bummer" Knee

For Michael's wedding I had a shoulder problem. It looks like for Andy's I'm having a knee ailment. (And no time to get to the doctor.) Please pray for enough healing so that I can at least walk up the steps to light the unity candle and at least dance a few dances. In addition, please pray that I don't get the lovely "stomach bug" that seems to be rampaging through one of my schools.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ahhhh! Spring

What a gorgeous evening it was last night! The magnolia and pear trees are starting to blossom, the grass is green and beautiful, no mosquitoes, Heidi's kids were over and the Patterson's stopped by! It was a perfect spring setting.
But somehow I was wishing I lived in a condo. When I walked around outside I saw all the spring chores that need to get done. Flowerbeds cleaned out and planted, bushes trimmed, weeds pulled, pond refilled, deck stained, etc. etc. etc. Like I told Joyce, "I'll think about all of that after the wedding." In the meantime, weeds - don't grow too much; and mosquitoes - don't make a comeback! But trees - you can go ahead and blossom!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday Frolic
Heidi's floors were being sanded and polyurethaned so they stayed at our house on Friday night and I babysat for the Woehlke girls while Em and Bob went to Greenfield Village! Fun!
The usual rides--this time with swirly things!

Temporary Sophie Meltdown

Uh! Oh! We're stuck!

We solved the problem!

Riding off into the sunset!

Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday Fun!
The kids were all over yesterday for the first time in a while! I didn't get any pictures of most of them. They were very busy outside, and coming in about once a minute to ask if they could sail paper boats in the ditch. I said, "Let's wait for a warmer day for our Spring Regatta!" It didn't deter them from asking another fifteen times. I did get these photo stories of Kaleigh and Lucy.
Kaleigh's Kolossal Puppet Performance (Move over Punch and Judy!)

Uh! Oh! Maybe not! Stage Catastrophe!

The show must go on!

The big kids all left me!

Where'd they all go?

Oh well! I'll play some "Kissy Fish Face" with Mom!

Friday, April 11, 2008

I finished all that I need to do for my class!! Nine days early!! Hurray!! I decided against taking a spring class, so I'm finished with discussion forums, competencies, and final projects until September!! Whooohoooo!! Uh, oh... I better not get so excited that I forget to submit my final project and final competency at the scheduled time.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008

The last 3 months I feel like I have been intimately involved with my laptop and it seems like I've been doing nothing but reading "word verifications". This week I will be intimately involved with REBT, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, and SPED as I hope to finish the last papers I need to do for my EBD class. Over the course of the class I've learned about CD, EB, TS, SM, ASD, PDD, DSM-IV, FBA, IEP, REBT, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, and SPED. Plus I've been trying to sign up for EDN 506 at UMD. I WBGTBD. I Will Be Glad To Be Done!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I'm Still Here!
Sorry, friends! I haven't blogged in a while. No real excuses except that my computer has been really "logy" - that's one of my mom's words meaning slow and dull (and I might add frustrating). My brain has been a bit logy, also. So has the professor of my online class (she has postponed a few things and not posted our work, which is fine, except that backs my work up a little closer to the wedding than I like). This morning was my day to register for either a spring, summer, or fall class and I decided to follow of all your wonderful advice and skip the spring and summer session and register for a fall class. Again, another "logy" professor. To sign up for internet classes you have to get an override from the professor. I emailed her for that and she emailed me back saying I needed to include my name and ID# which I clearly did at the bottom of the email. So, I emailed her back, again giving the needed information and now I still haven't heard from her and so I can't register this morning. Some of these classes close up pretty quickly, so again FRUSTRATION! Oh well, maybe I won't be able to take a fall class either! Have a good day everyone - I hope you're not feeling "logy".