Thursday, May 29, 2008

It Helps to Host

Last evening we hosted a choir picnic for the members of my choir. We provided burgers, brats, chips, and drinks and everyone else brought a dish to share. It was a beautiful evening and we had a nice time. We came into the house to practice our last anthem for this year which we'll sing on Sunday.

It's nice to have a reason to get the flowers all planted, carport prepared for summer, deck cleaned off, etc. We were a little concerned that the frost yesterday morning would get our garden and flowers, but we were okay! The great thing is (dare I say it?)--we haven't had mosquitoes so far this year. One benefit of the dry spring. But we do need the rain. I should have taken some pictures last night, but I didn't.

I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful spring day!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Seth Man - Soon the Big Brother

I realized I'm due for another picture of Seth. It seems I get one about every 6 months. Unfortunately I didn't have my digital camera on the occasion of our first meeting 2 years ago. But here's 7 months old, 1 year old, and 1 year and 7 months old.
Happy 2nd birthday, Seth! I'm due for another picture and your mother's due for a little brother or sister for you! We love you!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Glow in the Dark Party - A Hit!

Heidi had a great idea for a fun birthday party for Quinn- a "Glow in the Dark" party held in the gym at church. She had all kinds of glow in the dark paraphernalia, flashlights, spaceships, Saturn and Earth cakes, and a parachute! The kids loved it!

The dress code for such an occasion:

Parachute play:

Waiting for cake:

Lucy loved the cake!

Glowing faces at the party:

The dark environment was perfect for Bob:

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Two-Handed Birthday

Didn't he just turn 5? Could that really have been a year ago?? But here it is, Quinn's birthday again! We love you, Quinn!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I seem to go in streaks! I've been on a dreaming streak. Most of the time I remember them for only a short time. They say you should keep a notepad by your bed to write down your dreams. But, what's the point. They are interesting, but that's about it. This morning I had a belated "wedding" dream. I dreamt I was on my way to the rehearsal dinner (riding in the car with Emily) and I realized I hadn't changed my clothes and so somehow I was in another car by myself and went back to Andy's place (only different than his real place) to change. While I was there, two other women came in to change clothes and were making a big mess - clothes on the floor, baby powder all over the place, and I told them they better clean it up because my son would be bringing his bride back here. Not a very exciting dream, but I remembered it for more than an hour so I thought I'd write it down. By the way, my dreaming streak seems to coincide with being really tired the last few days. Which is the cause and which is the effect? Any one care to share any recent dreams?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Daredevils in my camera!

I haven't blogged in a while. These pictures were in my camera-- The Woehlke girls were over on Thursday night. Ella and Lucy were into daredevil climbing. Lucy was also into daredevil driving. Emily was keeping watch under the tree when we heard the "motor" running. There was Lucy STANDING on it (on the throttle) and headed for the grill. Emily's sprinting talents came to the rescue! Sophie played it safe with bike riding and motor driving!

Our weekend activities: rebuilding the sandbox, praise team practice, yardwork, a party for a soldier from our church back from Iraq, church, Sunday School Picnic, and Memorial Day Service at Macon Cemetery. (Tom was asked to give the address). Unfortunately we had to miss Kathleen McCormick's confirmation party.

Have a good week everyone! We miss some of you bloggers!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Look here!

Look at for a beautiful picture of Andy and Christie on the ccccold pier! I'm glad it was warmer for them in Hawaii! They should be back this afternoon! I can't wait to see all the pictures (both of the wedding and Hawaii)!

Okay, I need someone to tutor me on how to create a link.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Family Picture

For those of you that don't know them, I thought I'd share this picture of my family. After brunch at Andy and Christie's we went to my sister Jeanne's who lives in Norton Shores. From left to right: my brother Rich and his wife Sheila (from Pinehurst, NC); my mom; Tom; twin sister, Pat; my nephew, Ted; my sister Jeanne (her husband, Mark, was off doing the confirmation party circuit), and last, but not least, Bethany (Ted's daughter). I think she resembles Avery. We had a nice visit with everyone, and then got to visit some more the next day when Rich, Sheila, Mom, and Pat came for lunch back at my house. The "reunioning" was great!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thanks, Scott!

My computer had been giving me so much grief! I was ready to pitch it and buy a new one. Every time I tried to do something I'd have to wait for it to go through all kinds of updates, scans, etc. Last night Scott showed me how to change the start up options and I can't believe the difference!! What usually took about 5 minutes happened in about 10 seconds this morning. Yayy! Thanks, Scott!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Dancing With the Stars

One thing I love about weddings is the dancing - the opportunity to join in myself and the opportunity to be a witness to all kinds of styles and dancers. Here is a sample:

Little Ballerinas

The First Dance

Circle Dancing

The Polka

Fast Dancing with Opa

Break Dancing - Where did Quinn learn that?

Dirty Dancing - I didn't take a picture (I could hardly watch much less take a picture) Poor Andy probably felt like disappearing when the enthusiastic young lady attempted to seduce Andy into dancing with her.

Crazy Dancing - especially Matt, Steve, and Bob

The Last Dance - a tired but happy couple!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Who Got Married?

I have to admit that when I looked at all my wedding photographs, I have many more of the kids than of Andy and Christie. I don't know if it was because I didn't want to get in the photographer's way (and every time I wanted to take a picture of A and C, he was in my way), or if it was because there were three hours of time in which to keep the children occupied before the wedding. There were only two "kid casualties" as I recall. During the photography session outside, Sophie fell and skinned her knee and elbow and bled all over her dress (Thank goodness for Baby Wipes!); and Kaleigh's dress got caught in her active feet a few too many times and as the day and evening wore on eventually ripped completely. Here are some of the pictures:

Killing Time:

Last minute primping:

Some sympathy from the groom:

Monday, May 05, 2008

Here They Are!

Wow! Heidi has posted two days of pictures already and I haven't posted any wedding pictures yet! I hope this will work to post these tonight!

The event was so exciting, beautiful, and joyful! Thanks to all of you that came to the wedding! It was really a blessing to have you all there!

I'll post more pictures as the days go on! If you're checking your blog Christie and Andrew, I hope you're having a great time! We love you!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Let the Festivities Begin!

I'm blogging from Andy's computer this morning. His home looks marvelous! He is finished with work for almost two weeks! He seems relaxed and joyful! The only downside is that right now it's raining :(. Maybe it will get out of its system by tomorrow. We'll be excited to welcome guests from near and far. I think Independence, Missouri and Pinehurst, North Carolina are about tied for the "far" category. I'll see some of you this evening, some tomorrow, and some on the blog!