My Salute to Christie

I was going to post a picture of myself this morning. But I decided this one might look better. I decided to follow in my buddy Joyce's footsteps (or should I say hair roots) and let my hair go gray. And so as not to look like Cruella DeVille until it grows out I got my hair highlighted. It's taking me a while to get used to it, but already I can see the gray popping through so I guess it's worth it. Hopefully every gray hair on my head tells a good story!
In other news, I'm waiting for Heidi to blog some good news! :)
This cloudy morning started out brightly for me. We had a wonderful "Armed Services" service with the message delivered by Oliver Washington, a chaplain in the US Army who admonished us to be "armed and dangerous" with the full armor of God. It was a terrific message! The children's choir did a wonderful job of singing "God Bless America" with a second verse that I added "God Bless America, those whom You love. Grant them faith in our Savior. Fill their hearts with Your love from above. In the name of the Father, and the Son and Spirit, too, God bless America to trust in You! God bless America to trust in You!" The congregation then sang the first verse with us again. The adult choir also sang a beautiful anthem "I Worship You, Almighty God". Then I got to read Andy and Joyce's blogs! What a great way to start the week! Blessed "Son"day!
Amy said she had a "Title" Block. I'm afraid I've had a total "Blogger" Block. Nothing has been "springing" into my head of worth to anyone. I have enjoyed everyone else's blogs, however, and so I'll post this one to show that I'm still here! It's that time of year when I have to start Progress Reports again. It seems like I just did that!! That means I have to come up with something different to say about the same thing. So my brain is putting off any kind of writing. I've gotten very good at procrastination. Have a good and productive day, everyone!
This is my great (or is it grand) niece, Bethany? Isn't she beautiful?
I was going to post some pictures today that I took in my mom's apartment after the memorial service, but I forgot to load them into the computer. Monday, Monday! The Woehlke girls went home after spending 3 nights with us (or was it 4?). Their hardwood floors are finished and the smell is gone. Poor Lucy was sick while she was there (I guess she caught the stomach bug that Sophie had earlier.) Yesterday, I should have caught up on laundry, vacuumed, and numerous other things, but instead I sort of "vegged out" and I installed my new phone and read up and all the in and outs of making calls, changing ringers, filling the "phone book", set up the answering machine, etc., etc., etc. If I just remember how to answer the phone and retrieve messages I'll be doing well. Saturday we got our taxes done, and we're celebrating! Compared to last year we are much more in the "black". We discovered that I had made a huge mistake on last year's taxes, and thus paid much more in estimated taxes than we needed too. Consequently, we're getting much more back, and we'll also receive a check in the summer because of our amended return. Yayyyy! Have a great week, everyone!
It's only been 39 hours since my dad passed away, but it seems like much longer. Having only worked 1/2 day in the last 8 days, my brain is all mixed up about what day it is.