Here I Am Finally
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Hired Hand
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Ella is Recovering
As most of you know, Ella was born with an extra pinkie on each foot. She had them removed the day after Easter. This week she has finally gotten brave enough to walk on her casts. She looks a bit like Forrest Gump when she walks, but we are grateful that she is not in pain. In these pictures Sophie looks on with sympathy (?) and Lucy investigates.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
"I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light"
That song keeps running through my head this morning. And along with a quote from Joyce's blog today (see my comment), I'm going to try to live by those two thoughts.
Sometimes its hard! Hard when seemingly "light" places are overcome by shadows and bits of darkness. One of my schools seems to be riddled with some shadows lately. Shadows that create tension, self-doubt, miscommunications and/or lack of communication. It makes it an uncomfortable place to be right now. "I want to walk as a child of the Light".
Hard, when the organization I work for is showing some dark places--again tension, miscommunication, lack of communication, and hurt. "I want to walk as a child of the Light."
Hard, when the world displays on the tube, over and over again, the dark places. "I want to walk as a child of the Light."
And so I will try to remember today that "My reaction to everyday ups and downs should be complete gratefulness."
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Grammy and Friend Extraordinaire! Scrabble Extraordinaire??
I had the privilege of spending Tuesday afternoon with "Joyceful Grammy Joyce" and "Sleepy Seth". It was fun to see the "Grammy Extraordinaire" in action! It was also wonderful to have one of our good old "heart to heart" talks while Seth slept on her lap! I also got to have short visits with Christie and later with Mark. A great way to spend a Tuesday afternoon.
On Wednesday afternoon I had a great visit with my mom! She came over and whomped me 2 out of 3 Scrabble games and we shared a home-cooked roast beef dinner! It was fun, Mom, except that torturous round of Scrabble with nothing but vowels!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Here We Are!
Second Generation - Pamela Lynne Saville Schroeder
Third Generation - Heidi Lynne Schroeder McClelland
Emily Anne Schroeder Woehlke
Fourth Generation - Sophia Elizabeth Woehlke (2), Avery Saville McClelland (3), Kaleigh Noel McClelland (2), Ella Rose Woehlke (4), Lucy Anne Woehlke (7 mos.)

Monday, April 09, 2007
Prayers for the Woehlke Girls

Please keep Ella and Lucy in your prayers today. Ella is having surgery to remove the extra toes she was born with. She will be in casts for a few weeks.
Lucy has been sick for about a week with fever, listlessness, and seeming pain. She had gone to the doctor who thought it was a virus and it would pass. It didn't, so last night they took her to urgent care and they figured out that it's a urinary tract infection! Poor thing! She is now on antibiotics--please pray for quick improvement.
You might as well pray for the rest of the Woehlke girls while you're at it. Sophia has been going through the terrible two's and craving attention while Mom has had to hold Lucy almost constantly. Pray for Emily who hasn't gotten much sleep and who has been under the stress of it all!
I'm not a Woehlke girl, but you can pray for me, too. I'll be watching Sophia and Lucy while Mom, Dad, and Ella are at the hospital. Pray that Lucy and Sophia won't miss their mom and dad too much and that we'll have a good day!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Good, He's Not Like Me, Friday
I'm having one of those days, like a lot of my first day of vacation days! I keep flitting from one thing to another. I have no real purpose in my day, no goals. I started straightening up the house, then sat down to play piano, partly emptied the dishwasher, went to make my bed, and tried on some clothes for Sunday, started some laundry, went back to the dishwasher, and now here I am blogging. I hate days like this!
Thank God! Jesus had a goal on that Friday that he made His way to the cross. Nothing could deter him! He kept His focus! He must have thought, "I'm gonna keep on going until 'It is finished'!" When He was on the cross, I was on His mind!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Second Annual Springtime Regatta
Spring has arrived , conditions were perfect, and so we had our second boat launch in the Schroeder River (otherwise known as a ditch). Grammy and kids made paper boats.

The paper boats were deemed not seaworthy enough, so it was off to the workshop to build a wooden version.
Monday, April 02, 2007
An April Day
What a good day it was yesterday.... my baptismal birthday.... a great sermon about a parade and how Jesus had his eyes on the spectators.... a rousing choir anthem with a trumpet and a drum... surprisingly beautiful weather .... a chance to get outside and do some springtime cleanup... a visit from the McClellands... watching Quinn working hard (picking up sticks, pruning vines, picking up piles)... Quinn and I flying a kite (the girls were taking naps)... a delicious meal brought and prepared by Heidi... cuddling up and reading books to the kids...and finally falling asleep while trying to watch "Planet Earth"--a great series by the way! It was a great April day--no foolin'! I just forgot to load pictures onto my computer.