I have lots of time this morning. St. Paul does not have school today or tomorrow. The teachers are attending a conference. But alas and alack, that doesn't mean I have the days off. Ann Arbor Christian is in session. I usually go there at noon, but I will leave early since I have an IEPC meeting to prepare for. Tomorrow I have another meeting at the time that I'm supposed to be at St. Paul. This one is our "Cluster" meeting. A meeting with 3 other LSEM teachers to discuss issues. Unfortunately, there is one who dominates the conversation and drives me crazy. I'm supposed to come away from those meetings feeling supported, but I usually come away wanting to tear my hair out.
It was a beautiful weekend, wasn't it? However, I spend a good deal of it inside in front of my computer-- my online class. I did well on my first competency, but I have to figure out how to spend a lot less time on them, since I have to write one each week from now until December. My first one was about 8 pages long.
Tom has two funerals this week, so he will be busy also.
Yesterday, I did spend some time outside. I cleaned out my pond. I'm losing the battle at keeping it algae free. I couldn't see the fish even when they came to the top to eat. I battled the mosquitoes as I was doing it.
Quinn called yesterday and wanted to come over, so he and Avery visited while Mom, Dad, and Kaleigh went to Lowe's. We made pancakes for supper, looked at how the inside of the piano works (Quinn had told me what he learned in music class about hammers and strings inside the piano, but hadn't gotten to see it in action), played with poker chips (making patterns and towers), and read books.
Have a good week everyone!