Friday, March 31, 2006

Crackle Crackle Thump! Ashes to Ashes!

One of the greatest things about yesterday's weather. Getting outside! One of the sad things -- the crackle, crackle, thump of another ash tree going down. Our "woods" on our property--the beautiful view from our sun room-- is (was) made up of ash trees and scotch pine. This spring Tom has "timbered" at least 5 big ash and some scotch pine. (Darn those emerald ash borers!) Scotch pine in our area are also diseased. The good news--Tom is getting lots of exercise, lots of stumps to sit on, and the volunteer maples we've nursed along in our garden are growing quite quickly. The life cycle goes on!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Off to Marshall!

This morning I'm off to Marshall, Michigan for a LSEM Cluster meeting. A group of our Lutheran Spec. Ed. teachers and our psychologist get together every few months for a meeting. One comes from Lansing, another is located in St. Joe so she can never make it so we decided to meet where she could more easily come. I had volunteered to drive and it's a good thing our cluster leader called me to finalize plans because in my brain the meeting was on Friday. So, a little rearranging of schedules at my two schools and off we go, today. It looks like it will be a beautiful day.

In other news, Em and Bob had their counteroffer accepted on a new house. Now, to sell theirs. They have an open house already this Sunday.

My mouse pad on my laptop is giving me fits this morning. The cursor won't stay where I put it? Any suggestions? Grrrr!

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dupiani Silk and Paul Newman's Tom Sawyer

Yesterday afternoon, I had two goals: to get started on the flower girl dresses I said I'd sew for Emily's girls and listen to "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (book on CD)-- I have a student that needs to read and listen at the same time. I thoroughly enjoyed Paul's reading of the book and listened while I worked. Then I get to the end where it gives the credits--it's the abridged version (nowhere on the cover does it say that)--back to the library to see if the cassette version is unabridged!

Has anyone ever worked with dupiani (sp?) silk? Joyce--you're my textile expert. When we bought it and asked the cutter at Joann's about getting the wrinkles out--she very indignantly said, "Well, you can't iron it!" So here I am trying to make two little girl's dresses without pressing seams, etc., and of course the skirt has a fold line down the middle.

Nor more news on Bob and Emily's house purchase except that they counteroffered the counteroffer. More to come ...

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Little House on the Prairie Meets Big House in the Subdivision?

Emily and Bob had their ultrasound this morning. They just found out that they are expecting girl #3, just like "Little House on the Prairie"! Will they be in the "big house in the subdivision"? As I blog, they are meeting with their realtor, presumably to find out whether their offer on the big house was accepted. I will update later. By the way I have their permission to "blogblab" their news. The house has a bonus room that would make a great girl's dormitory style bedroom. What fun!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Rugrat Fix!

It was nice to have Andy home today for his rugrat fix. It's been awhile. We had a nice day. We're sorry that Jenni couldn't come! Emily and Bob fixed a delicious brunch. Opa and Jane, GG and GGpa joined in on the fun. Opa is looking good and praise the Lord, his tumor has shrunk some! Emily and Bob are getting busy trying to clean out "stuff" from their house because they're putting it on the market. They put an offer on a bigger house in York Township. Tomorrow they'll have their ultrasound and we may know if Quinn will finally have a boy cousin or whether we'll have another girl rugrat. All you pregnant people better get your dibs on the tubs of girl clothes they'll have to get rid of if it is a boy.

Now I'm back home, checking blogs, schoolwork, cantata work, "West Wing", and get ready to start the week tomorrow. God bless your week, faithful bloggers and bloggees!

Friday, March 24, 2006


I just signed off a comment to Andy with RWYA. When my children were teenagers and were going out the door for any activity I always said goodbye with "Remember Whose You Are!" I haven't done that in a while. I guess because they're all grown up now and I don't need to remind them to make good choices anymore. But, as I think about it, I should still want them to remember that they belong to God--that he loves them, cares about their every day concerns, watches over them, and still wants them to make good choices. So I think I'll resume my former ritual. And while I'm at it I'll remember to say also "RWIA". Remember Whose I Am!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Blogger Brain Busted

My blogger brain hasn't had much to say or think! Too much other stuff crammed in there the last few days. But, I'll be back! Prayers would be appreciated for dad and dad-in-law: health concerns. Blessings on your day!

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Spending Weekend

I spent a lot of time spending this weekend - money, time, calories!

We spent a lot of money - ordered our replacement windows - Renewal by Anderson. I bought a new printer-copier-scanner (my old one hasn't worked properly since day 1). We had a silent auction at church - spent some money there - not much.

I spent time with my McClelland grandchildren (babysat the girls Friday night), they came over Saturday with their Mom (she helped me hook up my new printer), and again last night (Scott left for Brazil for the week and Heidi needed to get groceries--much easier without 3 children in tow). I spent time praising the Lord - Praise Team practice Sat. morning and leading Sunday worship.

I spent calories on chili. We had a chili-cook-off Sunday along with the silent auction-- 15-20 different kinds of chili were served. It's amazing how different each chili was - from super super hot to a chicken noodle chili (amazingly similar to soup). It was fun, we had a terrific crowd (both in church and for the cook-off) and lots of money was raised.

This week I will spend time working on report cards, finishing up preparations for our Palm Sunday Cantata and figuring out how to pay for the windows when they're installed. I wish I could say I'll be spending time outside enjoying the "spring" weather, but it doesn't sound too promising.

Bless your week and your spring!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Use your ingenuity!

When I was in 9th and 11th grade Algebra I and Algebra II, I had a old teacher that loved to say "Use your ingenuity!" when stuck on a problem. Now, I'm the old teacher and I sure had to use my ingenuity today! One of my students came with her math homework for some help. Coordinates on a plane, functions, slopes, y-intercepts, etc. I haven't used that kind of ingenuity in 40 years! I'm afraid my ingenuity failed me since I had 0 minutes to prepare for the challenge and only 20 minutes to help her. Poor girl! I think she went away more confused. Some days are like that. Now I'll have to go home and do my homework, use my ingenuity, and maybe tomorrow will be a better day!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ten Years!

About ten years ago (or more)Joyce and I had a conversation, wondering what our children's lives would be like in ten years! Where did those ten years (or more) go? If you would have told me I'd be reading my son's poetry online, or that I'd be seeing 5 grandchildren's pictures so lovingly displayed on the internet-- Huh?? The amazing things that God unfolds in our lives make looking forward to each new day one of the greatest joys I have. Now, if I look forward to each new day on earth this way, what can I expect in heaven???

Monday, March 13, 2006

Kevin Bacon Syndrome?

You've all heard of the Kevin Bacon game, right? Something like - you're only six steps away from a relationship with anyone in the world? Well, here's my concern. Our favorite blogger list is growing and growing and what happens when all those connected relationships get their own blogs?? We'll be reading, commenting, and blogging 24 hours a day. Then what-- no work gets done, the US economy completely fails and its doomsday!

But look at the bright side--we'll all stay connected! And then maybe Jesus will come!

Have a great day, but don't spend too much time bloggin! You have a good day, too, Kevin!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


"I am the Vine, you are the branches ...."
Yesterday the spring weather motivated me
to go out and tackle the job of cutting down the grapevines from my arbor (I'm
tired of doing battle with the Japanese beetles over them). A new aspect of this Bible verse came to mind as I was struggling to pull down the vines. There were two
main vines that were cut off at the base and yet I worked and worked to pull
down the many intertwined vines. The strength with which they held each other together was amazing! We are those branches-- all of us who are friends and family
in the Lord hold each other together with amazing strength --- thanks all you
fellow branches!
Thank you Jesus for being our Vine!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Okay! Okay!

I've done it! All of you wonderful bloggers finally and lovingly nagged me into trying this. So here goes! This is my second new experience of the day. Tom and I had our first visit to Ford Field today. No, it's not football season, but it is spring season with an increased desire to spruce things up around our home and garden--so we went to the Home and Garden Show. What impressed me most? The "cushy" Ford Field grass. As much as I would have liked to curl up and take a nap on it about half way through the exhibits, we "Ford"ged on to find as many replacement window displays as we could. We came away with an appointment for two estimates for replacement windows. Hey Ron, hey Mark--any recommendations? I think I'll have to have a tutorial from one of my blogging experts. I can't figure out how to start new paragraphs. So that's it--my first blog!