I spent a lot of time spending this weekend - money, time, calories!
We spent a lot of money - ordered our replacement windows - Renewal by Anderson. I bought a new printer-copier-scanner (my old one hasn't worked properly since day 1). We had a silent auction at church - spent some money there - not much.
I spent time with my McClelland grandchildren (babysat the girls Friday night), they came over Saturday with their Mom (she helped me hook up my new printer), and again last night (Scott left for Brazil for the week and Heidi needed to get groceries--much easier without 3 children in tow). I spent time praising the Lord - Praise Team practice Sat. morning and leading Sunday worship.
I spent calories on chili. We had a chili-cook-off Sunday along with the silent auction-- 15-20 different kinds of chili were served. It's amazing how different each chili was - from super super hot to a chicken noodle chili (amazingly similar to soup). It was fun, we had a terrific crowd (both in church and for the cook-off) and lots of money was raised.
This week I will spend time working on report cards, finishing up preparations for our Palm Sunday Cantata and figuring out how to pay for the windows when they're installed. I wish I could say I'll be spending time outside enjoying the "spring" weather, but it doesn't sound too promising.
Bless your week and your spring!